Vitamin D deficiency is predominant in Type1 diabetic kids

A new study finds that nearly 75% type1 diabetic kids and teens have vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency often becomes the cause of osteoporosis and other bone diseases particularly those who suffer from type1 diabetes. Though our skin can produce vitamin D in sunlight and many diets are replete with this vitamin, scientists say that vitamin D supplements are quite essential to get its balance levels.

Dr. Britta Svoren, who led the study, says: “Our study finds that kids with type1 diabetes had quite lower levels of vitamin D, so much lower as we were not expecting.”

“Mineral density of bones is linked with type1 diabetes and it often becomes the cause of fractures and different bone diseases like osteoporosis. It is also possible that vitamin D may play an important role in developing diabetes,” she added.

But there are also a lot of such children all around the world as are deficient in vitamin D, but not suffering from type1 diabetes.

The study to be published in the journal Pediatric, January issue.

In this study, the researchers noted vitamin D levels in those 128 children who were ages between 1.5-17.5 years and had type1 diabetes.

The researchers noticed that almost 61% kids had lower levels of vitamin D, while 15% had severe vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency is predominant in Type1 diabetic kids
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