Treating Habitual Pains with Orthopedic Pillow

Mysteries of the Orthopedic Pillow The orthopedic pillow is one of the latest gadgets that are being used to control the habitual pains that people face when they are trying to get some rest. The pain that people feel within their skeletal system is based on stresses and pains that come about as a result Read more


Hormonal Drugs Known to Help Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer The new medical reports suggest that hormonal drugs can cool the symptoms of hot flashes along with prostate cancer therapy. There are hot flashes that can be brought to suppression through therapies for prostate cancer. These are hormonal treatments that can be brought through the effects of cyproterone acelate and medroxyprogesterone acetate. Androgen Read more


Types of Arthritis and Medical Treatments

Arthritis When it comes to arthritis, you would be surprised to know that you needn’t necessarily rely on chemical drugs to cure the problem and the pain, you could just as easily go for natural remedies, which are not only 100% safe, but they are also more effective. The problem, though, is that most doctors Read more


Parkinsons’ Disease and its Comprehension

Parkinsons’ Disease It is one of the most difficult stages when one suffers from Parkinson’s disease. The patient can literally turn overnight into an emotional and severe child who is forgetful and even have increased dementia with all the communication to go through it. Current concerns regarding this disease suggest that there could be Parkinson’s Read more


Home Dialysis Proves to be a Great Option for Kidney Patients

Many people with kidney problems could benefit really well with home dialysis options. They would be very well to receive home treatment than make trips to the hospital for their dialysis. New researches have found that people going through kidney transplantation would indeed get great help with regular dialysis. A12 year old study has found Read more


Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal Technique

Many techniques have been developed to remove unwanted hairs for past few decades. These include shaving, waxing, electrolysis, laser treatments etc. Although each treatment has its own pros and cons but the sole motive of all treatments is one, get rid of unwanted hair. Among all these treatments, laser hair removal treatment has gain high Read more


Nicotine Byproducts, Key Cause of Lung Cancer

Scientists have isolated two chemicals that can cause cancer and may enable doctors to identify, which smoker will develop cancer, study reported. Smokers which have the high concentration of nicotine by-products “NNAL” and “cotinine” have the higher risk of developing lung cancer than the smoker with low concentration of NNAL and cotinine in their urine. Read more


Eggs Production With ‘Ovarian Stem Cells’

Chinese researchers claimed that, they have produced new eggs with the help of stem cells from the ovaries of young and adult female mice that can open the new ways for the female infertility treatment. Scientists believe that process of oocytes (egg production) stops before birth in mammals including humans. In the report researchers explained, Read more


Gene Mutation Causes Skin Cancer in Majority

According to the latest findings, genetic mutation is the key culprit that triggers more than 70 percent of the deadliest skin cancer, melanoma. Scientists already knew that the gene BRAF get damaged or mutated in melanoma, but either this is the cause or the result was unclear. But the latest findings revealed that first mutation Read more


Risk of Blood Clotting Strongly Relates with Family History

A new Dutch study has revealed that, children and members of the family which have the history of blood clotting in the veins are more likely to develop the disease than the siblings without family history. Superficial and deep venous thrombosis, kinds of venous clotting, are lethal because it can travel to the pelvic arteries Read more


LDL Cholesterol: A broken Yardstick to measure cardiac risk

Almost 75 percent patients hospitalized for cardiac arrest showed normal cholesterol levels, far away from the risk of cardiovascular trouble, a nationwide study reported. The finding indicate towards the need to change the current threshold value of the cholesterol level, said study author Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow “The LDL cholesterol level at which people have Read more


Flu Strains are developing resistant against common antiviral drugs

The most widespread type of flu this season has become resistant to the widely used antiviral drug Tamiflu, but there is no need to get worry, government health officials announced. Especially this season flu cases are far lower than the previous year, and other antiviral drugs are working well against this particular flu virus and Read more


High foetal testosterone, more autistic traits

Infants exposed to high concentration of testosterone hormone in the womb are more likely to develop autistic characteristics in childhood, a study reported. Researchers recorded testosterone levels of fetus in the amniotic fluid of 235 pregnant women. Then they made the comparative study of the questionnaires, considered to measure children’s autistic characters between the ages Read more


HRT reduces risk of colorectal cancer

Hormonal therapy may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer especially in those women, who are not taking hormone anymore. The results published in journal of Cancer Epidemiology have created more doubts to already existing risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Previous studies have proven higher risk of breast cancer and heart problems, but Read more


Feel good – key to healthy pregnancy

As you start your journey towards motherhood, first time, it might be possible that you have vast sum of preparation, anxiety, fear or misinformation. Feeling good about your own is the only key to making the most of the successful childbearing year. Women, who accept the changes gleefully, celebrate the variation that occur to her Read more


Circumcised men have lowers risk of HIV and HPV: studies explained

Three newly conducted studies strengthen the evidence that a minor procedure of circumcision protects men against deadly AIDS virus and the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women. Dr. Bertran Auvert and his colleagues examined more than 1,200 men visiting a clinic in South Africa. They found that, less than 15 percent of Read more


Gestational diabetes and pregnancy

It has often been observed that women, who have gestational diabetes as pregnant, also have a higher risk of developing type2 diabetes later. If you are also suffering from gestational diabetes during pregnancy, some lifestyle changes can prove helpful to decrease your risk of becoming the victim of type2 diabetes later in life. Here are Read more


HIV patients with prostrate cancer can use radiotherapy

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy now can be used, safely to treat prostrate cancer in men suffering from AIDS, without any long-term adverse effect on CD4+ cell count or in the severity of viral infection. A small study suggested. While treating patient of prostrate cancer with radiotherapy, it’s out of question to put HIV-infected patients on Read more


Drug-resistant bacteria on increase in hospitals worldwide

An infectious disease expert says that dangerous bacteria that were normally found in soil and water are on the increase in hospitals worldwide. Mathew Falagas, who is director of the Alfa Institute of Biomedical Science in Greece, says that Acinetobactor baumannii accounts for almost 30 percent of drug-resistant hospital infections and it is more resistant Read more


Coated Stents are safer and more effective than bare metal ones

In Patients with diabetes, drug-coated stents prove safer and more effective than bare metal stents, a new study says. Study author Dr. Laura Mauri, who is an assistant professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, says: “With drug-coated stents, I would say, there is clear efficacy and clear reduction for Read more


Migraines may indicate lower risk of developing breast cancer

US researchers say that women who suffer regular migraines may find some comfort to know that they have a considerable lower risk of developing breast cancer. The researchers found a 30 percent lower risk for breast cancer in their study that included 3,412 women. However, the researchers warned that more work was needed to confirm Read more


Early childhood injuries relate to ADHD diagnosis

UK researchers suggest that early childhood injuries relate to later diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The results of the study, which included 62,000 children, show head and burn injuries before two years of age may double the risk of ADHD diagnosis by 10 year of age. The study suggests that usually injuries are an Read more


Diabetes, high blood pressure may hasten death in people with Alzheimer’s

According to a new study, diabetes or hypertension can hasten the death in people with Alzheimer’s. The study has been published in the Nov.4 issue of Neurology and it says that Alzheimer’s patients with diabetes have two times higher chances to die sooner that the people with dementia condition but without diabetes. Similarly, those with Read more


Breastfed kids less likely to have behavioral disorders

Mother’s breastfeeding could have a constructive influence on behavior, in early childhood, according to results of a study presented Wednesday at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting in San Diego. In the study, parents of 1 to 5 year old children, who were breastfed as infants were 15 percent less likely to report concern Read more


Women 4 times more apt to develop Pulmonary Hypertension

The risk of developing a debilitating and potentially lethal lung disorder called pulmonary hypertension is four times higher in women than in men, a new study says. Pulmonary hypertension occurs due to high blood pressure in those arteries that supply blood to the lungs. In this condition the arteries that feed the lungs constrict and Read more


Understanding The Causes And Risks Of Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition wherein individuals find it hard to control their urine movement. It is a fairly common problem for people today, especially for those who are starting to age. It can be very embarrassing but is still an unfortunate part of life. Causes of Incontinence As already mentioned, urinary incontinence or UI Read more


What You Should Know About Massage Oils

Buying massage oils can be tricky business. Massage spas must offer a good selection of massage oils in order to please all client tastes. However, therapists also must take customer skin type, age, sensitivities, the time of year and allergies into account when buying oils. After all, the last thing a spa wants is to Read more


Protein Supplements for Teenagers Healthy Growth

Protein and protein supplements are something that most people have heard of, and most people tend to associate them with the people that work out a lot like athletes and body builders. While these people do use protein supplements to help them build muscle they are not the only ones that can benefit a great Read more


Exercise Tips for Women on the Go

Everybody is busy these days, which is why more and more women are considering unhealthy options like tummy liposuction and liposuction arm. Instead of dealing with their consequences, consider these healthy options: 1. Walk Certainly you can take out some time for walking or running. Choose stairs at work instead of the elevator, and walk Read more


Recent Study on Psychotherapy

image by WorldMyoPain Recent studies on psychotherapy state that psychotherapeutic counseling can really help you boost your allowance for happiness more than money. So it is again up to the thoughts before things idea. There are different ways through which psychotherapy can boost your emotional intelligence as well as understanding of how your thought patterns Read more


Parenting Tips for the New Parent

Image by Infobahn There are many reasons why parents need to fix for themselves a guide line for parenting styles so that their child grows up safe, well behaved and healthy. Many times for parents who are either first time parents or have had a premature child they tend to pamper their child a good Read more