Risk of Blood Clotting Strongly Relates with Family History

A new Dutch study has revealed that, children and members of the family which have the history of blood clotting in the veins are more likely to develop the disease than the siblings without family history.

Superficial and deep venous thrombosis, kinds of venous clotting, are lethal because it can travel to the pelvic arteries and lungs.

For this purpose, researchers compared the 1,605 patients of venous thrombosis with the 2,159 normal people that had never developed the condition. Study findings showed that the 31.5 venous thrombosis patients have a family history than the 17.3 of the controlled group.

Researchers concluded that the family history greatly increase the risk of Venous thrombosis. If any of the family member developed the condition, risk elevate four times for the rest of the family members.

Not enough data were collected that explain genetic risk factors with family history and doesn’t showed the involvement of any household factors that can contribute to the initiation of disease.

“In both of the groups with or without genetic and other risk factors, family history remained the key risk factor of venous thrombosis. The risk starts to increase with the identifications of the symptoms as more and more risks start to appear,” Irene D. Bezemer and colleagues said.

Study findings suggested that family history could be more useful for the diagnosis of the condition than the lab tests that are used for the genetic or physiological factors identification.

Risk of Blood Clotting Strongly Relates with Family History
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