Myth Debunking of Diabetes

There are many myths and strange notions aboutdiabetes and the most common of them is that diabetes cannot be reversed. This is just never possible as with changes in lifestyle and even with just holistic help diabetes gets reversed by many. Today diabetes is just one of the greatest diseases to come to affect thousands Read more


Best Hair Products for Bouncy and Great Hair

Hair products that should be used are the ones loaded with natural ingredients. Apart from this one should also know the full of hair vitamins in life. These are really the ones to look for when you are choosing to keep your hair the best. Beauty supplements or hair care supplements or hair vitamins will Read more


Obesity Heads to be Epidemic in Poor Families

A recent study has shown that one out of every 7 low income families have preschoolers that are obese.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports state that preschoolers are more affected with epidemic obesity in lower income family brackets.This health hazard in the United States has more to do with improper nourishment coming with Read more


Sodexo with New Meal Plans in Schools

Sodexo is determined to change the rate of childhood obesity from US with their emphasis on knowledge on nutrition, emphasis on nutritious food and local grown, organic produce use. The company offers to supply food that bears no more than 35% fat in any of its products. This way it envisions cutting off the unnecessary Read more


Do Wonder Weight Loss Pills Exist

Weight Loss Pills Exist Increasing body weight has become a serious problem for a large number of people in many developing and developed countries of the world. Obesity is quite well known as a mother of many fatal diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack, cancer and diabetes. Similarly, it often causes mental pain for Read more


FDA Taking Initiation to Control of Pain Medications Containing Propoxyphene

The US Food and Drug Administration have taken new charges to control the use and release of analgesics containing Propoxyphene. Drugs like Darvon and Darvocet contains this chemical as its center bond and its overdose can result to be fatal. The FDA is thus now on the prowl to control the release and use of Read more