What Should be Done Before and After the Surgery?

Lasik or Eye refractive surgery is one the most painless procedure for eye treatment. Although during the surgery a strange feeling of feeling uncomfortable and tightness is there due to the discomfort caused by the initial clip which is used to wide open the eye lids, the Microkeratome instruments makes it flap which is these Read more


Oprah Winfrey Acai Berry Diet

Acai berry is a natural product (a fruit) that is popular for its trait to reduce weight and act as an anti oxidant. Keeping these features in mind, a diet has been prepared called the Oprah’s Acai berry diet or Oprah Winfrey’s Acai Berry Diet. Dr oz Oprah Acai berry diet is one of the Read more


Pyratine XR for Rosacea sufferers

It has been estimated that more than 14 million people in the US suffer from Rosacea. Though the number of persons affected with Rosacea is alarming, the National Rosacea Society says that only a small number of them are being treated. Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that affects both the adults and children of Read more


Nicotine Byproducts, Key Cause of Lung Cancer

Scientists have isolated two chemicals that can cause cancer and may enable doctors to identify, which smoker will develop cancer, study reported. Smokers which have the high concentration of nicotine by-products “NNAL” and “cotinine” have the higher risk of developing lung cancer than the smoker with low concentration of NNAL and cotinine in their urine. Read more


Detoxification-A New Approach for Weight Loss

Most of us already know that detoxification is a common process used in body cleansing and in the rehabilitation from drug addiction but very few people know that the body detox is also essential for a good weight loss program. Modern research have revealed that there are many health conditions associated with the presence of Read more


Properties That a Weight Loss Regime Should Contain

Obesity or being overweight is the leading growing problem not only in U.S. but all over the world. But now people are becoming more conscious and trying different techniques to reduce their weight. These programs include dieting, physical workouts, weight loss pills or supplements etc. The market of weight loss products have become very lucrative Read more


Eggs Production With ‘Ovarian Stem Cells’

Chinese researchers claimed that, they have produced new eggs with the help of stem cells from the ovaries of young and adult female mice that can open the new ways for the female infertility treatment. Scientists believe that process of oocytes (egg production) stops before birth in mammals including humans. In the report researchers explained, Read more


Fats May Control Obesity, Researchers Said

It’s hard to believe that fat can burn the calories, but new study has found that, in adults there are some small spots of brown fats that have the ability to regulate metabolic rate, formerly, these spots were believed to exit only in the babies and kids.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015) This brown Read more


Gene Mutation Causes Skin Cancer in Majority

According to the latest findings, genetic mutation is the key culprit that triggers more than 70 percent of the deadliest skin cancer, melanoma. Scientists already knew that the gene BRAF get damaged or mutated in melanoma, but either this is the cause or the result was unclear. But the latest findings revealed that first mutation Read more


Bisphenol A Banned By N.Y. County

Bisphenol A, a toxic chemical found in sippy cups and baby bottles, has been banned by a suburban county of N.Y. Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy banning the sale of baby bottles containing BPA, after the county legislators proved it last month. Different states such as California, Washington, Hawaii and many others are planning to Read more


STI Increasing in Older Generation

An irresponsible attitude from middle-age people about the sexual health is continued to be seen, health experts said.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download Among the two thousand adults every fifth person had the unprotected sex with other than the long-term partner, within the last five year. The rate of sexually transmitted infections (STI) Read more


Food freebies: A Nice Option to Save Money in Hard Times

Everyone is looking for some smarter ways to save money in these credit crunch stricken days. If you give some serious consideration to save money nowadays, you would definitely find hundreds of ways to save good amount of money. You can save money on clothes, traveling, on food, groceries and on lots of other stuff. Read more


Caring Mothers and Ways of Subsistence

It has been generally observed that household wives focus more on the growth and development of the children. They engage themselves with the children so much that they hardly find the opportunity to search for the job for the better financial status. In this time of recession it has become impossible to find a good Read more


Cosmetic Procedures Promising Natural Beauty Revival

To attain beautiful face or a charming personality is not an easy task in some experts’ opinion; it’s a kind of full time job to maintain and enhances your beauty. Many giant starts of the Hollywood industry have gained their fame only on the basis of their good looks. Therefore, due to the developments of Read more